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A perfect Cyst on the back, right where you can't reach it!

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Cystactular Cysts • 21m

Up Next in Cystactular Cysts

  • A perfect Cyst on the back, right whe...

    An epidermoid cyst is a non-cancerous growth commonly found on the skin of the face or neck, but can occur anywhere on the body. Just as its name suggests, these cysts occur as a result of epidermal cells, cells from the top layer of your skin a.k.a the epidermis, overgrow in a confined space. Th...

  • Black and Blue Pilar Cyst

    A pilar cyst, also known as a trichilemmal or isthmus-catagen cyst, is a benign (non-life-threatening) growth that, upon examination, looks identical to the more common epidermoid cyst, except that 90% of pilar cysts occur on the scalp. They tend to be more mobile and firmer than epidermoid cysts...

  • A Cyst Excision and A Shave Removal

    An epidermoid cyst is a non-cancerous growth commonly found on the skin of the face or neck, but can occur anywhere on the body. Just as its name suggests, these cysts occur as a result of epidermal cells, cells from the top layer of your skin a.k.a the epidermis, overgrow in a confined space. Th...