I just decided to join the All Access site for a year. Not only do I enjoy the pops, but I love when I learn something new from Dr. Lee. She is compassionate and makes patients feel comfortable by calming their fears. In my life, I really appreciate when doctors truly care and make me feel comfortable. I saw a new dermatologist last month and she’s wonderful. We actually talked about Dr. Lee and my doctor said she loved to watch her too.
I joined All Access and paid but there's nowhere to login and it doesn't give me all Access? Just offers Free Trial? Help!!! I'm going into Sandra Lee withdrawals, I don't care what it is she's doing, she rocks!
Hi Krista! Try clicking the link below, which will direct you to the ‘All Access Pass’ playlist. Once you click a video to watch, I.e. Directors Cut: Huge DPOW,’ a window asking you to sign in or start a free trial should pop up! You should then be able to sign in and get all access. Otherwise, try downloading the ‘Dr. Pimple Popper All Access’ App on your apple or android store! Let us know if this works for you :)
Link: https://allaccess.drpimplepopper.com/all-access-pass
Link to ‘sign-in help’ page: https://allaccess.drpimplepopper.com/help/articles/trouble-logging-in-computer
Hello sandre lee sorry me miss you on here