Lipoma Love
Lipomas are slow-growing, benign (non-cancerous) growths of fat cells. These cells are contained in a thin capsule that creates the appearance of a “bump” right under the skin. Lipomas are typically not tender, move around easily, and don’t require treatment. However, some lipomas may sit in places that cause discomfort to the patient, which is why some people may request removal. Appearance is another reason people may request removal as well. Often a small incision can be made over the lipoma and they can be "popped" out easily, which is a simple in-office surgical procedure under local anesthesia.
The Bossy 6 Year Old Lipoma
The Scrambled Egg Lipoma
Did someone call for a breakfast lipoma? Most lipomas look like egg yolks, but this one looked more like a piece of scrambled egg!
Let's Play Whack-A-Lipoma!
Luis' Butterfly Lipoma
This sweet patient of mine has a Popaholic brother who told her she needed to come see me for her Lipoma... so this excellent pop is dedicated to him!
Lipomas are slow-growing, benign (non-cancerous) growths of fat cells. These cells are contained in a thin capsule that creates the appearance of...
An Elbow Squeeze Lipoma Transformation
Everyone can use a transformation from time to time, especially when you have a nice, squeezable lipoma to get rid of. Isn't this fella cute?
The Meerkat Lipoma
This lipoma was in and out and all about! Reminded me of the cute little meerkats with their sporadic movements. What do you think?
The She Shed Lipoma
A Tangled Shoulder Lipoma
I thought this superficial shoulder was going to be an easy squeeze, but it had other plans!
Sometimes, Lipomas get tangled in a "netting" of sorts and it makes them difficult to remove. We got it all though and I know this patient is happy with the results!Lipomas are slow-growing, benign (non...
Dr Rebish excising a large lipoma from the neck: Part 1 - Removal
Lipomas are slow-growing, benign (non-cancerous) growths of fat cells. These cells are contained in a thin capsule that creates the appearance of a “bump” right under the skin. Lipomas are typically not tender, move around easily, and don’t require treatment. However, some lipomas may sit in plac...
Dr Rebish excises a large lipoma on the neck, Part 2 - Sutures
Lipomas are slow-growing, benign (non-cancerous) growths of fat cells. These cells are contained in a thin capsule that creates the appearance of a “bump” right under the skin. Lipomas are typically not tender, move around easily, and don’t require treatment. However, some lipomas may sit in plac...
Introducing... (Self Proclaimed) "Lipoma Man"
Lipomas are slow-growing, benign (non-cancerous) growths of fat cells. These cells are contained in a thin capsule that creates the appearance of a “bump” right under the skin. Lipomas are typically not tender, move around easily, and don’t require treatment. However, some lipomas may sit in plac...
A Hawaiian Lipoma
Lipomas are slow-growing, benign (non-cancerous) growths of fat cells. These cells are contained in a thin capsule that creates the appearance of a “bump” right under the skin. Lipomas are typically not tender, move around easily, and don’t require treatment. However, some lipomas may sit in plac...
Lipoma Arm Example
Lipomas are slow-growing, benign (non-cancerous) growths of fat cells. These cells are contained in a thin capsule that creates the appearance of a “bump” right under the skin. Lipomas are typically not tender, move around easily, and don’t require treatment. However, some lipomas may sit in plac...
A Helping Hand Lipoma
Everything is better with a helping hand, or two, especially popping out a lipoma! My assistants always know exactly how to help; whether it's translating important information and comfort to a patient or a big squeeze to coax out a stubborn lipoma, these girls are the best around!
A Lipoma with Secret Pockets
The Chicken Strip Lipoma
I don't want to be a chicken, I don't want to be a duck... I just want to extract this lipoma!
The Hands All Over Forehead Lipoma
We all love a good forehead lipoma, and this one was quick and painless, BUT super tiny.
Back to School with Dr. Pimple Popper: Lipomas 101
It's time to learn about the fat cell utopias we all know and love!
15 Year Old Lipoma on the Neck
Saying goodbye to this lipoma on the neck after 15 years!
The Tardis Lipoma on the Hip
"Bud" the Lipoma
The Pick-A-Part Lipoma
This lipoma required a lot of picking but we got it all!
The "I Woke Up Like This" Lipoma
This patient's lipoma is awesome, BUT his hair is the main event!
The Good Eraser Lipoma