Ask Dr. Pimple Popper is BACK!
I loved being able to answer your questions and chat with you all, so we are back with another session. Tune in this Sunday, May 3rd, from 1-3 pm PST, and I, Dr. Sandra Lee, will be answering your questions live!
HOW DO I GET MY QUESTION IN? You can begin posting your questions to this forum thread now and for the rest of the week.
WHEN WILL WE GET A RESPONSE? TUNE IN ON SUNDAY, May 3rd, when I will be answering them live! I'll respond in realtime and you’ll have the chance to reply or to ask follow up questions. Can't wait to chat with you all on SUNDAY!
See you then and don’t forget to tell your #popaholics friends!
------------------------------- DISCLAIMER ------------------------------------
By submitting a question below, I acknowledge that Sandra Lee, MD, is not my physician. She has not examined me, and cannot provide medical advice specific to my condition(s). While she may provide some general guidance about how she advises her patients with medical diagnoses, I cannot assume that this advice applies to me and my medical issues. I acknowledge that Sandra Lee, MD, assumes no liability in the management of my medical problems and if I have questions that pertain to my specific medical condition(s), I need to see my personal physician.
I agree. Sonia Powell
The All Access Pass thread is only available to all access pass members that is what you pay for the best videos post to that section I've noticed however the new posts are fewer and farther between now then they used to be. Hope this helps you
I’m in the U.K and it’s 20:09 at the moment. so I might have missed the question time sorry if I have.
I was going to ask Dr Lee about a brown spot that keeps appearing on my nose. It looks like a blackhead but it’s yellow when I squeeze it. Any ideas as to what it could be. I’m female.
Hi Alex! It's late there in the UK! just after lunch over here. I don't know what the brown spot is bc I don't have a picture of it, and the description you give me doesn't really give me good clues. I would say that if you're really concerned try to see a dermatologist in your area. However, it is a good sign that something doesn't just stay there and grow and look more concerning. But I would try not to squeeze an area, it usually does more harm than good! nice to hear from you all the way in the UK!