Hello, All Access Popaholics!
I hope everyone is doing well and having a good New Year so far! Some of you may have heard already, but the 'Dr. Pimple Popper' show on TLC will now be moving exclusively to a new streaming platform called Discovery+. This platform hosts partner networks with shows from TLC, HGTV, and more! I am aware that this is a change for many people that watch the show and that not everyone will be able to sign up for this new streaming service. As always, I will continue to post here on All Access and YouTube, along with posting daily clips on Facebook and Instagram, so the popping will continue no matter where you watch!
If you would like to check out Discovery+ and see what they have to offer, there are some options for you.
1. There is a free 7-day trial directly through the site (https://www.discoveryplus.com/?c1=Performancemktg&c2=Google&c3=SEMcopy&c4=NA&gclid=Cj0KCQiA6t6ABhDMARIsAONIYywPsBqw8N8sA26GMjCnb6ySyyiNyxLyqx8cifDjGtTOfU-ejUUrcmIaAvZdEALw_wcB).
2. Discovery + has a partnership with Verizon, where certain plans can receive a free 6 months to 1-year subscription depending on their phone plan. (https://www.verizon.com/plans/unlimited?cmp=BAC-C-HQ-NON-R-NB-NONE-NONE-2K0VZ0-COE-GAW-71700000078628936&gclid=Cj0KCQiA6t6ABhDMARIsAONIYyyv1ZU8wgpSWXhiSMvq6KgHMSxid8tcl7ZwxYWosLlrD2OfoW8r0wUaArYdEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)
I encourage you to try out these options if you would like to watch the show and join Discovery+. I will use this thread to keep you updated on any further changes or new information.