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The Anime Cyst Removal

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Two Little Beans in the Scalp

Recently Added • 6m 28s

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  • The Anime Cyst Removal

    An anime guy cyst for the books!

    An epidermoid cyst is a non-cancerous growth commonly found on the skin of the face or neck, but can occur anywhere on the body. Just as its name suggests, these cysts occur as a result of epidermal cells, cells from the top layer of your skin a.k.a the epidermi...

  • A Little Cyst & A Blackhead Tucked Be...

    A cyst and a blackhead meet up at Dr. Pimple Popper's office!

    Blackheads are something we are all familiar with, but did you know they are also called open comedones? Blackheads are usually caused by a pore that gets clogged with keratin (skin protein) and sebum (oil). Given the black color man...

  • Keloids Treated with Surgery & Sensus...

    Keloids occur most often on the earlobes, the chest, back, and upper arms. It is when scar tissue from an episode of "trauma" gets hyperexcited and grows beyond the bounds of the original wound. Usually a person knows when their keloid is active because it itches or is painful
    Treatment is diffi...